Become a Member of OLCAA!
East Oak Lane is bounded on the north by Cheltenham Avenue, on the south by
Godfrey Avenue, on the east by Fifth Street, and on the west by Broad Street.
Common areas, including the Chelten Avenue underpass, the Godfrey Avenue
Wall (7th-10th Streets), Broad Street and 66th Avenue, and the Broad Street-
Old York Road Wedge, are maintained with OLCAA oversight---and your support.
For a modest annual fee, any resident can become a full member of OLCAA by
mailing in a completed OLCAA Membership form. A non-resident or owner of
a business in East Oak Lane can qualify as an associate member with payment.
All members of OLCAA receive a free subscription to our newsletter (“The East Oak Lane Paper”). Full members vote to elect the Board of Directors in
the May general membership meeting. Membership categories are as follows:
Individual: $15 EOL Business/Organization: $75
Household (2 voting members): $25 Non-East Oak Lane Resident: $25
Student (under 23): $6
Senior (65+): $10
The membership term extends from January 1 through December 31 each year.
Click here for an OLCAA Membership form. Fill in the form online and email it to us, following the instructions on the form, and mail in your payment. Or you can mail the completed form with payment to OLCAA. Checks or money orders should be made payable to: Oak Lane Community Action Assn.
**Online Membership Form Coming Soon**