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Committees of OLCAA


Here is a brief description of the purpose and function of the committees of OLCAA. Membership is open to the community.  Committee meetings are scheduled at the discretion of the chair.  Contact the OLCAA Hotline or use the OLCAA Membership form to sign up!


Beautification                                               Chair: Kelly McShain Tyree  

Works with local businesses and residents to help beautify our neighborhood with cleaning and greening projects throughout the year.

Communications                                          Chair: Andrea Mayo

The neighborhood vehicle for information. Informs residents on what is happening in the community either by print, email, website, or social media. The OLCAA newsletter is sent to all members three times per year.

Subcommittee:  Public Relations

Crime, Safety, & Security                            Chair:  Eric Brice

Works closely with residents and the 35th Police District to help combat illegal and safety issues in our community. Helped establish the East Oak Lane Neighborhood Watch.


Development                                                  Chair:  Sharon Wilson

Undertakes projects to assist the physical, cultural, and progressive development of East Oak Lane in order to promote a vibrant neighborhood. Assists in the improvement of our business corridors, in concert with urban development.

Events                                                               Chair:  TBA

Coordinates OLCAA-sponsored events and activities, whose purpose is to bring the community together and raise funds. Annual events include:  the Blood, Coat, and Shoe Drive;  Oak Lane Day Festival;  Snow Ball;  and Members Only Dinner.

Housing & Zoning                                           Chair:  Freida Williams

Monitors and addresses issues involving land use, development, and urban planning in East Oak Lane. Interacts with Licenses and Inspections, the City Planning Commission, and Ninth Councilmanic District.

Membership                                                    Chair:  Earlene Mitchell

Recruits new members and maintains membership records.

Quality of Life                                                 Chair:  Sandi Hollie

Promotes awareness, involvement, and connectivity among residents at the block level, as liaison between the OLCAA Board and the network of Block Captains. The goal is for each East Oak Lane citizen to take ownership of maintaining a positive quality of life throughout our community.  


Click here for an OLCAA Membership  form.  Fill in the form online and email it to us, following the instructions on the form or you can mail the completed form to  OLCAA.


P.O. Box 2926

Philadelphia, PA 19141


© 2025 Oak Lane Community Action Association  (OLCAA)  -  Striving to build a better neighborhood

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