OLCAA Partnerships
Block Captains
Currently more than 50 East Oak Lane residents volunteer as Block Captains, to organize the block, register it with Philadelphia More Beautiful, coordinate communications with neighbors, and serve as a liaison with OLCAA.
An organized block can be safer and add to the beauty of the neighborhood. Also, joining a network strengthens the community by closer connections with local city, state, and federal agencies. Let's get organized!

Bromley House
**information coming soon**
PASSi Penn Asian Senior Services
**information coming soon**

Friends of the Oak Lane Library
We are a volunteer organization committed to increasing the use and visibility of
the Oak Lane Library (at 12th Street and Oak Lane) as a vital, FREE resource for
East Oak Lane. We raise funds to support the Library’s needs. By becoming a
Friend, you:
Support the Library’s community programs for children, teens, families,
adults, and seniors -
Build the Library’s collection of books, DVDs, and other materials
Maintain the prize-winning garden---now with an elegant birdbath!
Assist the Friends in promoting programs, computer access, and other
library resources for our library in partnership with our great librarians -
Help the friends advocate for sufficient funding from the city and state
Join the Friends of the Oak Lane Library!

Ellwood Elementary School (6701 North 13th Street)
Ellwood strives to provide its students with skills and tools that will empower them
to reach their highest potential.
The school fosters partnerships among students, parents, staff members, and
the community to support students in becoming productive and competitive
members of society. Ellwood is dedicated to excellence.

East Oak Lane Business Association
The Business Association has adopted the neighborhood vision for a unified design
along the business corridors, and works with business owners to clean and green
their properties.
As OLCAA is now the local Registered Community Organization (RCO) in this area,
when a business or resident wants to change the variance of a property, they are
now required to meet with the community and the RCO before their Zoning
Board of Adjustment (ZBA) hearing.